We are proud to announce the list of the speakers attending HTSHFF2023, and the titles of their talks.
- Andrea Alimenti, Microwave Surface Impedance Measurements in REBCO Films and Coated Conductors in High Magnetic Fields
- Claire Antoine, HTC for Superconducting accelerators: We need you!
- Emma Batson, Superconducting nanowire devices in novel materials: High Critical Temperatures and Transparent Superconductors
- Sam Benz, Quantum-based Voltage Waveform Synthesis at NIST
- William Brey, A 13C-Optimized Probe Based on Thin Film Resonators for a 21.1-T NMR Spectrometer
- Sergio Calatroni, REBCO Coatings for High-Gradient RF Applications
- Ilya Charaev, Single-photon detection using high-temperature superconductors
- Denis Crété, Limitations on Two-Dimensional Josephson Junctions Arrays for RF Magnetic Field Detection
- Shane Cybart, In-Plane Tunnel Spectroscopy of Cuprate Superconductors with Nano-Scale Josephson Junctions
- Alessandro D'Elia, RESILIENCE: Magnetic field resilient microwave single photon detector based on van der Waals Josephson junctions
- Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy, Microwave stimulation of superconductivity in the vortex state
- Nicolas Freytag, Superconducting Devices in NMR Probes: Advantages and Challenges
- Gianluca Ghigo, Coplanar resonator techniques for the investigation of superconducting films and crystals
- Sam Posen, Application of Nb3Sn coating technology from particle accelerators to cavities for multi-tesla axion haloscopes
- Joffre Gutierrez Royo, Low-surface impedance REBCO coatings for applications under high magnetic fields
- Michael Hamilton, Materials and Characterization Approaches for Superconductive Packaging and Interconnect Technologies
- Dominik Hanisch, High-Tc Josephson Junction Array Modified by Gallium Focused Ion Beam
- Christelle Kadlec, Determination of the mass of fluxon in high-temperature superconductors YBaCuO using THz Light
- Itsuhiro Kakeya, Terahertz electromagnetic wave radiations from intrinsic Josephson junction stack of Bi2212 cuprate
- Eugene Kogan, The Kinks, the Solitons and the Shocks in Series-Connected Discrete Josephson Transmission Lines
- Anna Leese de Escobar, HTS Materials as Enablers for Low Temperature Cryogenic Systems
- Matvey Lyatti, Towards high-Tc superconducting qubit with THz plasma frequency
- Atsutaka Maeda, Microwave flux flow Hall effect of high-Tc cuprate superconductors and Fe chalcogenide superconductors
- Raafat Mansour, Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Superconductor Devices for use in Superconductor Digital Receivers and Quantum Computer Applications
- Akira Miyazaki, Potential application of HTS in the Meissner state for superconducting accelerating cavities
- Joan O'Callaghan Castella, Novel approaches for RF testing of HTS coated-conductors for the FCC-HH
- Daniel E. Oates, Novel tunable superconducting resonator
- Chiko Otani, Nb thin-film superconducting microwave resonator with high quality factor for kinetic inductance detector
- Cristian Pira, Thin Film Superconductive Haloscopes for Dark Matter Search by Physical Vapour Deposition Techniques
- Nicola Pompeo, High frequency vortex dynamics properties of NbTi and its performances in haloscopes
- Paul Julius Ritter, THz Microscopy of 3D THz Field Distributions Using Optimized Josephson Cantilevers
- Marc Scheffler, Microwave spectroscopy on low-Tc superconductors: electrodynamics of doped SrTiO3
- Wenlei Shan, Broad-band silicon membrane-based waveguide-to-superconducting CPW transition and applications in SIS receivers
- Enrico Silva, Vortex motion and anisotropy in pristine and heavy-ion irradiated FeSeTe thin films as revealed from microwave measurements
- Juan Trastoy, Dispersion improvement on masked ion-irradiated Josephson junctions for the development of quantum RF antennas
- Pablo Vidal García, On the vortex-pinning properties of Nb3Sn coatings: from SRF to axion detection, and vice versa
- Jarek Wosik, Flexible HTS tapes on dielectric YSZ substrates: fabrication and microwave characterization
- Xiaoxing Xi, MgB2 Coating by HPCVD for 1.3-GHz Superconducting RF Cavities
- Taro Yamashita, Novel superconducting flux quantum bits toward large-scale quantum circuits
This page will be updated continuously as we confirm contributions.