The Committee of the 15th International Workshop On High-Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency and Fields welcomes the submission of high-quality abstracts focusing on the following variety of topics:

  • Superconducting microwave devices.
  • Fundamental physics at Microwave and Terahertz frequencies.
  • Superconducting electronics and measurements for Quantum computing.
  • Properties of materials for microwave applications.
  • Superconducting microwave electronics.
  • Superconducting metrology from radiofrequency to Terahertz.


  • Abstracts are to be written in English and explained abbreviations may be used. Abstracts must include sufficient information for the committee to judge the nature and significance of the topic, results, conclusions, and should summarize the substantive results.
  • Abstracts have to be submitted by May 5, 2023 June 2, 2023 electronically through the submission site. Abstracts received after this date or via email will not be evaluated.
  • Presentation preference between “oral” or “poster” should be chosen during submission. An author submitting an abstract will be considered as corresponding. The Programme Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.
  • All abstracts must be relevant to the conference theme.
  • The abstract should not exceed one page (including title, authors list, affiliations, main text and references). Abstracts exceeding the limit will be rejected. The abstract source file should be uploaded together with the user generated pdf. The abstract must adhere to the formatting in the sample abstract and can include up to one figure. Please use the template provided in the paragraph "Abstract Templates" below. If your title includes special symbols, notation or formatting, do make sure they appear correctly.
  • Each author can submit one abstract. Requests for the submission of an additional abstract can be sent to and will be approved at the discretion of the evaluation committee.
  • The Steering Committee will make the final decision as to whether the abstract will be accepted for presentation, with consideration given to the author’s preference.
  • If your abstract is accepted, at least one of the authors will have to register to attend the conference.
  • In case of any problems during the submission process or if you do not receive any confirmation by email, please contact the Conference Secretariat:


  Microsoft Word


  • Abstract submission deadline: June 2, 2023
  • E-mail notification of acceptance: June 9, 2023


The abstract booklet will be made available exclusively to the participants of the conference through this web platform.

After the conference, authors of selected original contributions will be invited to submit a regular paper in a dedicated special issue of a highly rated scientific journal (more info coming soon).

